Leading Exporters, Wholesaler, Trader of AF DRIP SPL Plant Growth Promoter, Agferm Innovations Boxer Plant Growth Promoter, Agferm Innovations Comet Plant Growth Promoter, Agferm Innovations Flora Plant Growth Promoter, Agferm Innovations Leo Plant Growth Promoter, Agferm Innovations NORA Plus Plant Growth Promoter, Agferm Innovations Rootex Plant Growth Promoter and Agferm Innovations Sprint Biological Plant Growth Promoter from Bhubaneswar.
Business Type | Exporter, Supplier, Retailer, Trader, Distributor |
State | Liquid |
Dosage | 5Ml/Lt |
Used For | Sugarcane and Other Sugar Crops |
Quality | Highly Effective |
Solubility | 100% |
Expiry | 2 Years From Date Of MFG. |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Worldwide |
Use of drip irrigation is increasing in several geographical areas and in many crops due to depleted water resources. Drip irrigation delivers water and nutrients to each plant to its root zone to avoid wastage and better distribution.
AF DRIP SPL is designed to meet the additional requirements of plants in this kind of irrigation.
AF DRIP SPL is a perfect blend of several amino acids, nutrients, humic and fulvic compounds and this superior plant growth promoter is strengthened with stress busters. AF DRIP SPL can be used in any agro-climatic conditions and to all crops.
Dosage & application method : AF DRIP SPECIAL is recommended @ 5 ML/Lt, four applications of AF DRIPE SPECIAL is recommended in a crop life cycle. 2 applications during vegetative stage and 2 applications during flowering time. Use AF DRIP SPECIAL when the plants are undergoing acute agro-climatic conditions, this will help plants to with stand the biotic and abiotic stress conditions
A special product designed for drip irrigation system fortified with amino acids, PGA, humic and fulvic substances, micronutrients in chelated form and microbial extracts with high carbon content. Provides vitality to crop, improves rhizosphere, improves permeability leading better nutrient uptake. Provides distinct strength against biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Also imparts natural resistance to plants through SAR.
Advantages of AF DRIP SPL :
60 Litre (MOQ)
Business Type | Exporter, Supplier, Retailer, Trader, Distributor |
Dosage | 3 ml/lt |
Form | Liquid |
Pack Type | Plastic |
Pack Size | 500ml-2 Liter |
Shelf Life | 2 Years |
Storage | Store at Room Temperature |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Worldwide |
Boxer is a complex bio derivative that is a conglomeration of two organic compounds in nano forms. These are formulated with biological extracts and various solubiliization agents with strong chaotropes/denaturants and active monomers. This organic nano formulation helps in efficient release mechanisms to create stable droplets which works at lower dosage, also ensures wide coverage ; consequently the product has performed well on insect pest protection on plants.
Mode of action : The product performs well on all crops under different agroclimatic conditions and has exhibited the greatest antifeedant and repellent property.
Boxer also impairs the gonadotropic hormones of the pest thereby influencing the process of ecdysis, this leads to impaired insect development to reduce further increase of pest populations. Depending on the pest incidence level, repeat Boxer with frequent interval to bring down the pest populations
Dosage and application method : Use Boxer @ 3 ML dose with a good quality spreading agent. Use Boxer in cooler part of day to ensure adequate moisture for proper spreading
Proprietary formulation for the control of lepidopteran pests. Formulated with biological extracts and various solubilization agents having defined strong chaotropes unfolding the protein with strong denaturants and active monomers.
Advantages of BOXER :
60 Litres (MOQ)
Business Type | Exporter, Supplier, Retailer, Trader, Distributor |
Dosage and Application Method | 2 Ml, Use Adequate Water Volume to Cover the Canopy of the Crop, Use of a Good Quality Spreading Agent is Recommended. |
Packing | 250 ml |
Storage | Store in Cool and Dry Place Away from Direct Heat and Sunlight |
Shelf Life | 2 Years |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Pack Type | Plastic Bottle |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Worldwide |
Comet, contains extracts of large family of compounds produced by aerobic fermentation of consortium of microorganisms. The microbial consortium produces bioactive lipopeptides that helps maintain crop health and impart resistance to pests mainly sucking pests like thrips, mites, whitefly etc. Protects crops from environmental stress also rectifies deficiency symptoms and imparts quality and product yield. Different extraction and purification methods are employed as liquid–liquid extraction, and acid precipitation followed by solvent extraction and purification.
Mode of action: Comet acts instantly, works with its potential repellent action, the insect feeding gets impaired and also the compounds effectively choke the spiracles and disturb the respiration; the metabolites.
Comet has a distinct action on the pest reproduction, substantially reduce the fecundity of female insects so as to ensure longer control of pest. COMET has excellent translaminar property that ensures deep and quicker penetration in to plant tissues to eradicate eggs of insect pests for control of further development of pest populations
A unique product combination of biological extracts with high-purity proteins recovered and fractionated from a complex mixture of fats, proteins, sugars, and ions. Our flagship product for thrips/mites/whitefly/mealybug etc
Advantages of COMET :
60 Litres (MOQ)
Business Type | Exporter, Supplier, Retailer, Trader, Distributor |
Dosage | 1ml/lt |
Application | Plant Growth |
Form | Liquid |
Foliar application | 5-10 ml/litre |
Seed treatment | 10 ml/litre of water |
Quality | Highly Effective |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Worldwide |
Flora is a research product from Agferm that is enriched with several amino acids, biological factors that will help plant physiology to naturally produce hormones and enzymes for enhanced flowering, flower retention, better fruit formation. Helps controlling fruit drop and thereby increasing the productivity; the unique feature of photosynthate translocators coupled with hydrolysed proteins ensure good fruit formation and proper seed filling which ultimately results in extra yield and quality produce.
FLORA helps plants for better Nitrogen use in metabolic activities like formation of proteins, enzymes and hormones etc. that ultimately result in improved performance.
The antioxidants and natural occurring hormones will improve the quality of the produce like increasing the keeping quality and freshness of the agri produce like flowers and fruits.
A special product that is a combination of several useful amino and imino acids. Rich in proline and natural hormones. Acts as photosynthate translocation to enhance flowering, fruit setting, enhancing fruit size, seed weight cl keeping quality.
Dosage : 500 ML per Ha in foliar spray or 1.5 Lt to 2 Lt if administered through drip irrigation, minimum of 2 applications are suggested, one at the before the onset of flowering followed another application with an interval of 15 days. Repeat applications of FLORA for multi-harvesting crops like vegetables, flowers.
Advantages of FLORA :
60 Litres (MOQ)
Business Type | Exporter, Supplier, Retailer, Trader, Distributor |
State | Liquid |
Purity | 99% |
Mode of action | Leo works with a unique mode of action of boosting plant resistance and immunity to pathogenic fungi. |
Dosage | 1.5 ml/lt |
Shelf Life | 2 Years |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Grade | Agro Grade |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Worldwide |
Leo, contains extracts of secondary metabolite produced by aerobic fermentation of specific microorganisms. The microbe produces bioactive β amino fatty acid compounds Different extraction and purification methods are employed as liquid–liquid extraction, and acid precipitation followed by solvent extraction and purification. LEO is fortified with phenolic compounds and antioxidants.
The phenomenon is explained as induced systemic resistance (ISR). LEO also inhibits the cell wall formation of the pathogenic fungi leading to eradication of pathogen in plants. LEO is systemic in its nature and protects plants from the disease by antisporulant property ensuring longer control period from the disease.
Dosage and application method : Use LEO @ 2 ML along with a good quality spreader. LEO can be used as foliar spray, can also be used as soil drench or drip irrigation. Repeat application of LEO if required, based on the symptoms on plants.
Fungicide with prophylactic and curative qualities. Acts against several diseases caused by Oomycetes group of fungi, wilts and rots etc.
Advantages of LEO :
200 Litre (MOQ)
Business Type | Exporter, Supplier, Retailer, Trader, Distributor |
Brand Name | Agferm Innovations |
State | Liquid |
Purity | 99.99% |
Dosage | 3-5ml/lt of water |
Shelf life | 2 Years |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Worldwide |
Is a proprietary research product, an excellent plant tonic, derived through fermentation process. Contains several trace elements, nutrients, Phyto hormones that imparts good vegetative growth and increases productivity. The Phyto elicitors available in Nora trigger higher metabolic activity. Being a product fortified by organic Carbon, Nora+ imparts System Acquired Resistance (SAR) to plants, helping in boosting resistance to pests/diseases.
The low CO2 concentration (average level of 0.04% volume) in the air is the limiting factor of photosynthesis.
The particle size of NORA nutrients are <10microns and hence easily absorbed directly through the stomata and maintains the turgidity for effective stomata opening. This helps in increasing the carbon dioxide intake, resulting in higher rate of photosynthesis leading higher and increased productivity.
Dosage and application : Apply NORA @ 600 ML per acre as foliar spray of 1 Lt in drip irrigation. Apply NORA at 25-30 days after plantation followed by another application with an interval of 12 to 15 days. Repeat applications of NORA is advised in multi harvest crops like leafy vegetables, tea with an interval of 10 to 15 days aligning with the time of harvests
Advantages of NORA :
60 Litre (MOQ)
Business Type | Exporter, Supplier, Retailer, Trader, Distributor |
State | Liquid |
Dosage | 5 ml/lt |
Mode of action | ROOTEX through its unique mode of action through ingestion and also as contact properties. |
Storage | Store in Cool and Dry Place Away from Direct Heat and Sunlight |
Shelf Life | 2 Years |
Packaging Type | Plastic Bottle |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Worldwide |
ROOTEX Is a novel blend of microbial and plant extract. ROOTEX is an organic and comprehensive solution to all the soil pests like white grubs, termites, wireworms and nematodes. As such the soil inhabiting pests and ROOTEX is an unique product that can address all these pests effectively
ROOTEX inhibits the chitin synthesis and does not allow the tough pests to further grow and multiply. ROOTEX in ingestion, enters the gut and damage the epithelial layers of the digestive system thereby resulting into septicaemia leading to death of the pest.
Dosage and application method : ROOTEX @ 3 ML to be used to drench the soil, it can also be used in drip irrigation, apply ROOTEX depending on the incidence levels of pest populations and as many times required for the control of soil insects. For the control of nematodes, use ROOTEX along with FYM during planting time and repeat depending on the symptoms nematode incidence.
A rare and comprehensive organic solution to all soil pests like white grubs/nematodes/termites.
Is a unique combination of microbial and plant extracts.
Advantages of ROOTEX :
60 Kilogram (MOQ)
Business Type | Exporter, Supplier, Trader, Distributor |
Country of Origin | India |
Type | Plant Growth Regulator |
Purity | 100%SOLUBLE |
Dosage | 2.5gm/lt |
Form | Liquid |
Application | Foilar Spray |
Phosphorous | 0.80 to 1.20 |
Solubility | 100% |
Compatibility | Compatible with most of the chemical fertilizers |
Preferred Buyer From
Location | Worldwide |
Viral diseases are quite common in many crops, they inflict damage by impacting vegetative growth, flowering and fruit setting. Viral diseases spread fast with the help of pests like thrips, whitefly, nematodes etc. SPRINT is a unique Combination in controlled proportions of microbial extracts which control diseases caused by viruses and fungi, also addressesnutritional deficiencies to a large extent. SPRINT boosts natural disease resistance in plants and stops propagation of virus into the next cell thus, control virus replication and suppress viral diseases symptoms.
Mode of action : When SPRINT is applied as foliar application, it enters the plant through stomata openings and the epithelial tissues, moves to other tissues throughout the plant by translocation.
The particles of antiviral differentiates inside the system and inhibits the multiplication of the infected cells. SPRINT boostsnatural disease resistance in plants and stops the progress of virus into the next cell thus, controls virus replication and suppress virus disease symptoms.
Dosage : SPRINT @ 500 Gm per acre along with good vector controlling insecticide like COMET Repeat SPRINT with a gap of 10 days for better recovery of plants from the disease.
An unique formulation that is loaded with several plant rejuvenating factors and also to contain virus spread within plant. Recommended in combination with Comet to suppress different insect vectors.
Advantages of SPRINT :
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